I made Val Garlands TOP 4 FAV’S!
Checking my instagram account had never been so exciting, literally the best day of my life! The Val Garland reposted my makeup as her favourite of the day for her #colourchaotic #valsquadchallenge! It received nearly 6,500 likes in a week!
thevalgarland🌟 #VALSquadChallenge Announcement 🌟 TODAY’s FAVE 💛 #BANGING #ColourChaotic moment by @KR13Tin 💥 #VALidate ❣❣❣THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUBMISSIONS💥💥💥 #VALSquad #Squad #SquadGoals #Colours #ColourChaos 🎨#MakeupChallenge #Makeup #MUA 🔥 #BeInspired #BeCreative #BeArtistic 💜❤️

Then once the challenge had finished I was announced in the top 4 and will be receiving a signed polaroid of my makeup from Val herself!
thevalgarland💥💥💥 #VALSquadChallenge Announcement 💥💥💥 DING DONG ❣My TOP 4 favourites 💥 #BANGING #ColourChaotic makeup by @KR13Tin @AlenaMoiseeva @HendrAwMakeup @PrinceWitch 💥💥💥 Will be sending out these autographed Polaroids to you shortly ❤️ #VALidate 🔝🔝🔝 #VALSquad #SquadGoals #MakeupChallenge #Makeup #MUA #BeInspired
I can’t wait to receive it, I will framed and cherished forever!
If you don’t already, follow me on IG @kr13tin